Saturday, January 17, 2009

Virtual Playmates

I was very wary of Z becoming commercialized by branded characters. Thomas the Train, Sesame Street, Caillou. They were just another way to sell toothpaste and shoes. This is true, and I'm still going to steer clear of products with characters plastered everywhere. However, I didn't realize the pull those characters would have on Z. Even before he had ever seen Thomas on anything, he picked the Choo Choo toothpaste. These people are good. They REALLY know what kids like. Anyway, since Z is allowed to watch TV now, I have surrendered myself to the fact that Z will get to know these virtual playmates better than most real people in his life. At first Z mostly liked Caillou. Then, when he got the Stand-Up Comic Elmo for Christmas (from his grandparents), suddenly Elmo and Sesame Street is the best thing ever.

Since Z has switched his affection from Caillou to Elmo, I, for one, am pretty happy about it. Here's why:

Caillou is a "real" little boy, but the world he lives in is not. Real, that is. Caillou's observations of the world around him are realistic and genuine. He is impatient about the things he can't do yet, and curious about every day things like subway trains and bean bag games. Although Caillou's whiny voice can be annoying to listen to, at least it sounds like a little boy. However, the rest of Caillou's world is pretty unrealistic. Both his parents seem to be home almost all the time. His Mom and Dad always have time for him and are always very, very patient. When Caillou is naughty or contrary, a wise, patient comment from Mom or Dad is all he needs to mend his ways. Caillou very rarely gets in a fight with his baby sister. Even when they both want to play with the same thing, a reminder about taking turns from Mom turns them into model children. All in all, although Caillou has every day appeal, the seeming normal-ness of a very unrealistic world bothers me.

Now. Elmo. As much as I wanted to be annoyed by Mr. Popularity, I finally had to admit he is pretty charming. He is witty and affectionate. And he has great rhythm. Really. I do get a little annoyed by his laugh, but I can overlook this little defect. And Z really likes him. A friend told me Elmo's puppet master is a big, black man. Honestly, this helps. I imagine a hip, fun guy who really enjoys making his character, Elmo, interesting and funny. I think he does a pretty darn good job.

We haven't gotten to know Thomas too well yet. And who knows who else is on the horizon. I can see how we're just starting to explore the wide make-believe world of children's entertainment. I wonder who Baby Girl will like? (Please, not Abby Cadabby!)

1 comment:

Oh, Cripe! said...

So glad to read you are embracing fun characters as friends for Z. I am a huge fan of Sesame Street as I feel - and this is not based on anything scientific - Elmo and his friends have helped Tyler understand and communicate in this world around us. I love watching Sesame Street with Tyler as we laugh, sing, and dance together. I only hope it plants a seed of imagination and creativity going forward!

Caillou? Can't handle it. I agree he is too whiny. Tyler enjoys Thomas but he mainly watches it with his Grammy. Another show Tyler loves is "Sid the Science Kid". Sounds like we watch a lot of TV but we don't. (On Demand rocks.) I sure do like talking about what he is watching when we do. It is fun!