Monday, October 8, 2007


Everyone likes to feel like they accomplished something at the end of the day. I've heard it said that Moms don't get to have that feeling of accomplishment that often. Sure, a Mom can feel good that they are doing something good for their kids and family every day, but to really feel like you DID something. You got it DONE. That might not come that often. After all, the laundry just has to get re-done, the bathroom has to be re-cleaned, the baby re-fed. I've also been told that this missing feeling of accomplishing something can be hard for women who worked in a career before having kids. At work, things get done, people notice, and, shoot, you even get a paycheck for it.

Now I'm not exactly the MUST GET IT DONE personality type, but I like to see progress and feel successful. I recently had the benefit of feeling both in the past few days. First, at work, I finally started to feel like I was worth taking back on the job 8 hours a week. The first few weeks were filled with catching up on training and other administrative things. But last Friday, almost the entire day was completely fruitful and helpful to others. Not only did I see and hear their appreciation, I felt that glow walking out at the end of the day: I did a good job today.

As discussed above, one might expect to get this sort of feeling more often in the work world. But my feelings of accomplishment didn't end there. We had to travel several hours to a family event this weekend. I was a little anxious as it meant waking Baby Z up early (1 1/2 hours early), feeding him several meals on the road, hoping for some kind of nap, and still being able to be present (you know-- not just physically) at the family event. Everything went well and we all managed to remain civil, friendly even, despite the lack of rest. At the end of the day, I commented to John that I felt extremely fulfilled and proud of us all. I can see how I'm getting better and better at this Mom thing. It takes a little challenge and difficulty to stretch me so I can see that. So, I'll say it again:
I did a good job today.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That is pretty exciting stuff!