Monday, September 24, 2007

Chock-Full of Fun

We had a weekend full of fun things. On Thursday night, John and I went to a Damien Rice concert. Baby Z stayed at Grammy's for the night, since he would be staying there on Friday when I go to work. We had such a great time at the concert-- really good seats, awesome music, no horrible traffic or parking problems. It was really, really great. It felt like a Pre-Kids date. Not having to pick up Baby Z from a babysitter after was nice, too, since I didn't worry about time at all. When we got home to our empty little house, though, we both felt a little sad. Our little dude wasn't there. It was very strange. It's amazing how quickly these little people become so engrained in your life that you can't possibly imagine life without them.

Friday, after work, we all went to the local Aquarium. It was a lot of fun, mostly just to get out and do something different. I really enjoyed it. Even feeding Baby Z his dinner, while sitting on a hard bench in front of the Seal tank was a lot of fun. Baby Z was not exactly impressed by the marine life, but I think I saw a healthy respect for the sharks - what every surfer should have.

On Sunday, I got to enjoy a fabulous afternoon with a bunch of ladies at my dear friend E's wedding shower. Us bridesmaids got to just show up for this one and enjoy. What a treat! Meanwhile, John watched Baby Z at his parents' house. Once again, when everything was done, John stated he couldn't watch Baby Z all day every day. That makes me feel good for two reasons: 1) John recognizes how challenging it can be, and 2) I don't feel like such a wimp for being so exhausted at the end of each day (mentally and physically).

I can definitely see how having some time away from Baby Z, either just with John, or just me (at work or with friends), can be extremely beneficial for my well-being. I am so much more energized and enthusiastic when I come back to Baby Z. Another way to say it... not being a Mom for a little while helps me be a better Mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to mention bonus post-shower beverage/Karch Kiraly sighting/baby Z snorgle. HEAVEN!