Thursday, August 28, 2008


Baby Z encountered a bee yesterday. He got a nice little sting right in the end of this thumb. I didn't see what happened but I think he grabbed it (while it was almost dead on the ground). I saw the stinger with it's little flesh on the end so I knew what it was right away. Poor little guy.

I checked for any trouble breathing and his crying reassured me that he wasn't probably allergic to bee stings. The pain got progressively worse as I tried to find something to scrape out the stinger. I grabbed cheap cardboard, but Baby Z wouldn't hold still enough to let me push at his finger. I rushed into the house to get tweezers although they say not to use them since you can end up squeezing more venom into the skin. But I was able to grab stinger and not venom pouch and got it out quickly.
His poor little thumb was all swollen and red.

Baby Z would calm down and then I'm sure it would throb or something and he'd start to cry again. I got him in the bath so we could keep the thumb in water (water or ice is good for it). After an hour or so it was a lot better. It was the thumb he sucks when he sleeps, so I was worried about nap time, but by then it seemed better and he sucked away no problem.

Another milestone in a child's life experienced. Baby Z was a brave little trooper. Here's a picture, although not a great one:

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