Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Careless Mom of the Year Award

I wouldn't go as far to say Worst Mom of the Year, but certainly among the top most careless. (At least an honorable mention.) Baby Z was crying up a storm during his nap yesterday because he's sick and because we took away his favorite chew toy: the rail on his crib which we covered in cloth after going through 3 gummi crib rail covers. Just when I decided I would get him up and I'm headed for his door, I hear a big THUMP. I rush into his room and see Baby Z just at the tail end of a ninja roll on the carpet.

He was fine/is fine, and there were no bumps or bruises, just a scared little dude. Thank the Lord. Seriously. I can't even think about the "what ifs" in that scenario. It turned out that I left the crib rail down. Just forgot. Dumb. I'm sure I'm not the first to do it. And I'm sure Baby Z is not the first to take a tumble out of his crib. Still. I felt bad about it. (However, not as bad as the time I snipped the edge of his little ear while trying to trim his hair. All healed now, no disfigurement. Thank the Lord. Seriously.)

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