Monday, December 10, 2007

Making Headway

After 52 hours of persistence, Operation Sippy Cup started to bring results. By Thursday night, Baby Z started to actually sip from the sippy cup mostly willingly. Once you got him going, he'd realize he wanted some of that. He even timed this display of victory at my Mom's house for our weekly dinner. He got a big round of applause for his big gulps from the sippy cup.

Although the war is over, there have been a few insurrections by supporters of the previous regime. Baby Z still occasionally cries and puts his head down in a very dramatic rendition of exhausted defeat. However, Baby Z is doing much better with it. I'm still working on getting enough volume in him, but we're getting there. Yeah!

As I mentioned, phase 2 would be getting him to hold the cup himself. I know he will love this in the long run, but it's hard getting him there. When I show him how to hold the cup with both hands, he locks his arms and screams. This boy does not like to be restricted, especially his hands. So I've been alternating between giving him the sippy cup myself and letting him bandy it about and "try" to drink from it. Needless to say, this is a messy process:

This has been a little hard to let happen, knowing I'm going to have a big mess to clean up. Lesson #849 of motherhood: kids make messes. Embrace them and wait until the VERY end before cleaning up.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I hope I am blessed with as much patience and forbearance.