Thursday, February 7, 2008

A New Outlook

I read an article recently about why a lot of Moms started blogs. Here's a quote (from Wondertime magazine, article by Catherine Newman):
"Parenting is both a universal experience and one that is consummately unique in its details. And it's those dirty details, the follies and the foibles, that satisfy the sharpest bloggy cravings."

I realized that besides the narcissism that comes with the territory, one of the reasons I blog is because it makes me observe the world a little differently. Knowing that I want to write about things, especially the experience of being a Mom, makes me take a slightly different outlook. I'm more likely to see the beauty in simple things like sunlight sparkling on the leaves of a tree outside our dining room window (which Baby Z points at in gleeful surprise EVERY day). I'm definitely more likely to see the humor in things like poop falling into my hands and cleaning up raisin bran all over the floor. And in moment of difficulty, it makes me step outside myself and analyze the situation a little more objectively since I might want to write about it. There are other things, too, like connecting with others and having a forum to show pictures of my little guy. But today I'm taking the time to be grateful for how it makes me live life a little more richly by making me pay attention.*

*In the spirit of full disclosure, as I write this, I am neglecting my child who is naughtily getting into everything he's not supposed to....more on that another time.

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