Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Big Boy Walking

Baby Z finally decided the way of the bipeds was preferable. After a grueling workout with his Obaachan on Sunday, Baby Z conceded that walking on his feet rather than his knees is faster and more comfortable. He's still scooting around on his knees here and there, but he is walking on his own on his own initiative now. Yeah!

The part of me that was slightly worried about showing up at his 18-month appointment (he's 15 months now) and explaining his unorthodox mode of transportation is very relieved. I'm also very grateful to his grandmother for working so tirelessly with him to give him that burst of confidence he needed. She walked around with him for an hour and a half, gently pushing the entire time for him to do the walking on his own. I did not have the concern/desire yet to "work on" the walking. See, a lesson in parenting: if you neglect something long enough, a grandparent will fill in!

Here is a picture of Baby Z, the big man on campus, cruising the scene at a local park:

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