At exactly 19 1/2 weeks (the soonest second this ultrasound place allows) I'm going to get the "anatomy" ultrasound for Baby Number Two. I am so excited and anxious to make sure everything is okay and to see if BNT is a boy or girl. So, in about two hours, assuming BNT cooperates, we'll know whether we need to find a boy name or a girl name. Since I'm currently drawing a blank on both, hopefully today will knock a few ideas loose.
I'll update later today on the news.
Update: 1:25pm PT
IT'S A GIRL!!! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Now that it's a reality, I can really show how much I wanted a girl. I am so excited! Here are the pics: one of her lady bits (look for white lines) and one of her adorable profile.
Oooh! So exciting!! Congrats on your little lady.
LUCKY! (Blessed!) So stinkin' happy for you, D!
:) Mel
she is so CUTE! i am so excited.
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