Sunday, May 27, 2007

Update on Tornado of Changes

Just to summarize, here are the things Baby Z and I have tackled in the last couple weeks:
1. Starting solids
2. Giving up Pacifier
3. Dropping 11pm feeding (Yes, we did it a couple nights ago. See Batten Down the Hatches.)
4. No longer using the swaddle
5. Modifying the evening nap
6. Getting 6 month vaccinations
7. Turning over from back to front (some say it can impact sleep patterns)

It's been a little rough, but we're making it through. So far, giving up the pacifier has been the hardest thing. It has also been the change with the best results - sleeping a lot better at night. I'm so glad I went with my instincts that the pacifier was hindering his sleep at night. I've continued to modify my policy on when to use it, and I'm going to try not to beat myself up about it when I do use it. The key is that I will be able to use it as an emergency measure rather than the norm.

Feeling pretty good about the long weekend being over (as much as I enjoyed it) so we can get back into the normal patterns. I feel like we're at the end of the tunnel. We'll see.

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