Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Swirling Results II

Results Phase Two (Giving up Pacifier Addiction during daytime naps):
It's been over 24 hours since we gave up the Pacifier. That's three daytime naps down, not sure how many to go. As I reported previously, the morning nap went okay. He slept straight through until just before Noon (when he eats). The second nap went okay at first and then that dang-nabbit 45 minute intruder hit. I listened to Baby Z cry really hard (the one that hits a high-pitched note at the end and eventually starts to sound hoarse) for about 20 minutes before I gave in. I fed him 15 minutes early and hoped the next nap would be better. The 6pm nap went well going down, but the same thing happened after 45 minutes. (Of course this nap is now his "cat nap," so I'm telling myself it's okay.) I fed him and he gulped down the bottle. So, he ended up in bed at about 8pm, which is my ultimate goal for his bedtime. I guess we'll see how it goes tomorrow. I'm very thankful that he has been going to sleep pretty easily, and I think getting rid of the pacifier will help him really work through the 45 minute intruders so they don't happen all the time anymore.
I have to say I sound extremely optimistic at the end of a long tiring day.

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