I'm having one of those days that made me want to blog to keep my head from imploding. You know the day- when all of the issues and questions about the routine build up like warm and cold air fronts that combine into the perfect little tornado in your mind?
So here they are, in no particular order:
a. baby not sleeping well at night
againb. baby not sleeping well during evening nap (6-8pm)
c. baby starting solids
d. baby still addicted to pacifier
e. Mommy still addicted to pacifier
f. baby still eating at 11pm to keep up Mom's milk supply
I would like to end a, b, d, e and f.
I think solving b may help a.
Have to solve e before we can solve d.
Fixing e and d will also help a.
Will c help b or a?
Will getting rid of f while doing c cause my milk supply to diminish?
More important to solve a and b than others.
Solution Phase One: start working on a and b.
I read in Baby Wise II about a 6 month old who was waking up suddenly in the middle of the night. One suggestion was that the evening nap may be too long, so the baby wasn't as tired at night. It also talks about 6 month-old's transitioning to a "cat nap" in the evening rather than the full 1 1/2 to 2 hour nap. This is kind of what Baby Z has been doing already. I tried to jump directly to cutting out the nap and it was very difficult, so I went back to the 2 hour nap. This cat nap could be the perfect in between step.
Solution Phase One, part 2: work on a by beginning to work on d and e.
I will recommit after a relapse in
Addiction to the Pacifier. No giving the pacifier after the 8pm feeding through to the morning. I will remove the pacifier from the room and put it in the noisy cabinet in my kitchen, in a ziploc, behind the chips, under a can of beans.
Solution Phase Two: continue working on d and e.
I will continue our walk through the 10 steps of Pacifier Addiction until it is eradicated completely. There is no such thing as just one suck for an Addict.
Solution Phase Three: will drop f.
Once we've gotten through the withdrawal of Phase Two, I'll start working on dropping the 11pm feeding. Regarding the milk supply, I'll keep an eye on it and if it starts to diminish, I'll do some pumping at night before I go to bed.
If you understood any of the above, then all I can say is: sometimes a tornado sweeps you up, spins you around, and then just puts you right back down somewhere else. I hope you landed on your feet, not your head.