Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Eat Your Veggies

On the eating front, we have confirmed our victory in the Sippy Cup realm:

So, of course, now I have to focus on something else to work on. Well, it's been a challenge for a while. I'm trying to figure out what to feed a toddler transitioning from baby food to real table food. Some days, Baby Z will eat almost anything I have in front of me. Other days he won't eat the thing he liked the day before. So far, the only fruit he will eat is banana (and he won't even do that all of the time). I put zucchini and broccoli into other things and he'll eat it, but if a chunk is too big or too hard to mush, it comes popping out of his highly discriminate mouth.

I've read that up to the age of two, the more foods you give your child, the more flexible he will be in trying new things later. I've also read that you have to give a child something new to try ten times or more before they'll start to like it. I've seen in the past where one week Baby Z wouldn't touch something and then a few weeks later it's his favorite. So, I've gotta bear down and persevere. Cut up apple and pear every day, try new vegetables for dinner to give Baby Z leftovers the next day. The hard part for me is going through the work knowing that the likelihood of success is slim. Perhaps I need to focus on the goal as exposure- letting Baby Z TRY new things. The result doesn't have to be that he eats a ton or that he loves it.... at least yet.

And one final comment on the karma of child-bearing... you know how your parents always said, just wait until you have a kid who does [fill in the annoying behavior here] to you! Well, my Mom is a just a little bit satisfied that her picky-picky-peanut-butter-and-jelly-only-until-the age-of-19 daughter has a finicky little toddler on her hands.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

bear down? I thought you only had to do that during labor....:)