Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Not Feeling Great

Lately I've been pretty tired. My mind's a little hazy. I'm clumsy. I've unexpectedly crumbled at touching moments on television or in a book. I almost knocked over a woman at the mall with our stroller (yes, on purpose). Finally, I feel like throwing up most of the time.

Have you figured out my "sickness" yet?

Yep. We are excited to be expecting another kiddo. Right now, though, I mostly just feel like poop. Huge props to the ladies out there who are pregnant and not complaining too much. I'll try to follow your example.


32 said...

AAAYYYE!!! Congratulations! Man-- lots and lots of babies 'round here...

Madelyn said...

Oh my!!! Congratulations!! When are you due? How exciting. The blogs should get interesting!

Oh, Cripe! said...

Congrats, D! I'm so excited for you and your family! Hopefully I'll see you while visiting J next month. Hoping you find some zz's while caring for Baby Z! :)