Since all I've been doing is talking about Harper's early wake-up problem, this is a good time to revel in the delight of my little girl. She has continued to amaze me with her good-natured mellowness. She is still so easy to please: a small whine says she wants a change in scenery, a small cry means she wants to go to sleep. She's a great eater and hardly ever spits up (which after Z is a HUGE blessing for me). She sleeps really well (except for early morning problem, but we all know that, right?) and through almost anything (read: Z's tantrums).
Harper is super resilient and even when she misses a big chunk of her nap she still holds up pretty well. Besides five major meltdowns (the signs for which I have now narrowed down so I can avoid them in the future) she doesn't cry a lot. She has been flipped over twice in her infant seat and I found her hanging upside down with just her head on the floor and she barely cried. She is going to be tough with big brother Z around. :)
She loves to put her fingers in her mouth, especially backwards (holding her hand palm away from her and bending her fingers back into her mouth!). She laughs for her brother and her Obaachan (John's Mom) more than anyone. When she is lying in bed before going to sleep she'll kick her heels down into the bed or prop them up on the side of the bassinet. She likes to have her legs up a lot and wiggles around until she finds a spot to prop them up. She just got her depth perception and likes to look at her hands like she just discovered them again and they are blowing her mind.
We love you so much, Harper Joy.
Happy 1/2 birthday! She looks healthy & happy. Love her dress too! -Mrs. PJ
RM, you are too modest - everything you say is true, but I think you understate the sweetness of her disposition. And Harper is also so, so beautiful.
Auntie Demery
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