Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day Five

I feel like we're at the top of the hill now. Just downhill to go. But, man, I'm tired.

Went to the beach today with a babysitter to help. It was pretty fun and killed a bunch of time. A friend and her little girl came so it was nice to have some adult conversation. I also had that at book club last night, so that was good. After getting the kids home and down for nap time/quiet play time, the babysitter and I reorganized the bathroom cabinets and kitchen cupboard. Awesome!! It's totally one of those things I have a hard time making myself do, so having someone there to help was a good impetus.

I'm praying that the drop-off and pick-up at preschool tomorrow goes okay. Z keeps saying he's never going back to "dat preschool." I'm hoping he changes his mind when he sees the playground? Or maybe he'll just throw a fit upon drop-off like the rest of the kids. :)

I'm also praying for a good night sleep. Last night wasn't great. Perhaps I'm adjusting to the new bed? Or maybe it just feels strange to not have John there with me. I miss him. And not just in a co-parenting way. Our house is definitely less fun without him. Just a few more days!

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